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Probux (Just Been Launch Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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Probux (Just Been Launch Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Empty Probux (Just Been Launch Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Post  ptcrock Tue 28 Aug 2012, 22:48

I'm not the Admin,

Welcome to the New Generation,

It's with pleasure and satisfaction that we come with great news for our members and advertisers.
August 28, TODAY, we are launching a new concept in Paid-to-click and Advertising Services.

Our team worked hard to built a safe, stable, transparent and profitable system, so our users get to enjoy all the benefits without any worries.

Among the priorities in our system, there are:

Probux Ltd. is a Registered Company.
Our system was designed entirely by our team. Scripts were made to run at high performance and our innovative design was built to promote usability and facilities.

Our business plan is based on ads income, in other words, it is a stable and consistent plan in order to be profitable for our members, as well as for our advertisers.

Data Protection;
We use 256-bit SSL on all pages that require extra security to keep all information protected.
Data are stored in a unbreakable MD5 Hash, ensuring privacy, reliability and authenticity.

Server Protection;
Firewall configurations with customized Iptables to protect against hacks.
DDoS Protection to ensure that the system remains stable and available at all times.
reCAPTCHA validation on pages that require enhanced security, avoiding robots attacks.

We will keep walking, always with hard work and dedication to provide you new features and creative ideas, and like so, show for our members that ProBux have no limits.

Any questions or suggestions please contact us, we will be happy to assist you.

Enjoy and have an excellent week,
ProBux Team

Guaranteed Ads Daily 4 - 8
Pay per Click $0.001 to $0.02
Pay per Referral Click $0.0004 to $0.008
Minimum Cashout $5.00
Days Between Cashouts 7 - 5 days
Maximum Amount of Referrals for standard just 100df and premium Unlimited
Upgrade Commissions for standard none and for premium $2.00 per referral
We accept: PayPal and Payza.

What if my premium account expires?
No problem. There are no contracts of commitments.
Should you decide not to renew your premium, your account will become Standard.
Your referrals, balance and credits will be maintained.

Probux (Just Been Launch Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Banner2


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Join date : 15.08.12

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